N misunderstandings of ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer cannot be discovered early

The ovaries are deep in the pelvis, and symptoms only occur when the tumor grows large enough or invades other organs. At this time, the disease has developed to late stage. Therefore, many female patients mistakenly believe that ovarian cancer cannot be detected at all early.

In fact, regular physical examination, including routine gynecological examination, blood CA-125 test, abdominal B-ultrasound, can be found in early ovarian cancer; in particular, common ovarian lesions, such as ovarian cysts do not easily be considered benign lesions, must go to specialist tumor hospital Visit.

Indigestion has nothing to do with ovarian cancer

In addition to ovarian cancer, abdominal enlargement, abdominal bulge and other symptoms, some of the more insidious symptoms are often not valued by women. Such as nausea, stomach discomfort, loss of appetite, indigestion, etc., most women regard it as gastritis and other digestive diseases, plus some non-cancer professional doctors lack of gynecologic oncology experience, often delay treatment. Therefore, when symptoms such as stomach discomfort appear, it is also necessary to look for whether the ovary has become cancerous.

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